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Three Ways To Keep Your Cat Happy While Being Boarded

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Regardless of the reason why, it can make pet owners feel a little guilty to leave their cats behind at a boarding facility. However, there doesn’t have to be any reason for them to feel bored or sad. Here are three ways you can boost your kitty’s experience at an animal boarding facility so they have as good a time as you do. Deluxe Upgrade When people often think of pet boarding, they often only think of small kennels that don’t offer much space to move around. Read More»

If One Of Your Cats Has A Cold, Here's How To Protect The Others

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Colds can be passed around from cat to cat just like they can be with humans. If you have a multiple cat household and one of them has become ill, it can spell trouble for the others. The best way to protect your cats is to start with these tips as soon as you can after noticing that one of them is sick. Isolate The very first thing you should do with your sick cat is to isolate them from the others. Read More»

Dental Health Tips For Your Dog

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Your dog’s dental health can be easy to overlook. A dog may not show any discomfort until the problem is severe. This means by the time you know your dog has issues it may be too late — decay and gum disease may have spread throughout your pet’s mouth. Fortunately, there are ways to ensure your dog’s teeth and gums remain healthy. This can improve your dog’s quality of life and save you money at the vet in the future. Read More»

The Role Of The Lyme Vaccine In Lyme Disease Control

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Dog owners are generally used to getting their pets vaccinated on a regular basis. Still, protecting dogs from Lyme disease won’t be like protecting them from rabies. Some pets may never need the Lyme vaccine. All pet owners should discuss the situation with their veterinarians. There are many risk factors associated with Lyme disease, and many of them will relate to a pet’s habits and location.  Pets Who Live In Certain Area Will Be More Likely to Contract Lyme Disease Read More»

How To Protect Your Puppy From Parvovirus

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There are many diseases and ailments that can affect young puppies, but few are as worrisome as parvovirus. This condition causes serious lethargy, vomiting, fever, and a lack of appetite, and almost all puppies who come down with the disease pass away or are euthanized. How can you protect your puppy from this serious disease? Start by following these five tips. 1. Have your puppy vaccinated You can typically have a puppy vaccinated for parvo at about six weeks of age. Read More»

Want To Start Bringing Your Puppy To Dog Parks? 3 Ways A Vet Visit Can Help You Prepare

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Taking your new puppy to the dog park can be a fantastic way for them to get familiar with other dogs and get some much-needed exercise that will allow them to exert some energy. If you have never brought your puppy to a dog park in the past, there are several things that you’ll need to look into so that you can make sure that it will be a safe experience for your puppy. Read More»

Caring For A Geriatric Pet: What You Need To Know

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Do you have an aging pet? If so, then it may be time to make some changes to better accommodate your senior or geriatric pet. The age at which a pet is considered “senior” can vary depending on the type of pet you have. For most pets, however, “senior” age is considered around ages 8-10 and above. When it comes to caring for an older pet, there are a few things you need to know. Read More»

Protecting And Caring For Your Dog's Foot Pads In Summer

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When summer comes, pavement gets hot and your dog’s foot pads can get damaged when they walk on it. It can be hard to keep off hot pavement in summer sometimes, but there are ways to prevent or reduce the chance of foot damage. Here are ways that you can tell if your dog’s feet are burned and what you can do to prevent and treat the problem. Signs of Hurt or Burned Foot Pads Read More»

Why Spaying & Neutering Is Good For Dogs

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Do you want to get a few dogs in an effort to reduce the level of loneliness that comes with living alone? No matter which breeds you opt to bring home, keep in mind that you will have to provide regular care to keep your pets healthy. Some of the problems that dogs commonly experience can be prevented if you get them spayed and neutered. However, you should only opt for a spay and neuter if you don’t want your dogs to be fertile. Read More»

What To Consider When Choosing A Pet Boarding Facility

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When you plan to go away but can’t bring your pet with you, it means you will need to find a trusted helper or pet boarder. Luckily, there are many great pet boarding options out there. Even some vets like Animal House Veterinary Hospital offer this service to make life easier for pet owners! If you’re planning to go out of town and need assistance with your furry pal, you will need to make an important decision as to who will provide care while you’re done. Read More»