Spotting Animal Health Issues Early

3 Ways Your Dog Could Lose Their Teeth And What You Can Do To Prevent It

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Your dog’s teeth should last for most, if not all, of his or her life. However, dogs can lose their teeth under certain circumstances. Though dogs don’t need to keep their “smiles” perfect, tooth infections and loss can cause problems with eating and other health issues. Dogs should have regular tooth care or they could risk losing some, or all of their teeth. Here are three common reasons why dogs may lose their teeth and what you can do to lessen the chance of dental problems. Read More»

Benefits Of Pet Massage Therapy

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If your pet has chronic soft tissue pain or suffers from anxiety or other emotional problems, then alternative pet therapy, such as massage, may help them feel better. Massage therapy has been known to have mental and physical health benefits for humans, and it can help your pet, as well. Both dogs and cats can benefit from a massage session. Here are some of the ways massage therapy can help make your dog or cat feel better. Read More»

How To Prepare Your Cat For A Medical Emergency

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Cats are agile and graceful animals that can make impressive jumps. Unfortunately, this animal can miss a jump and break a bone. A medical emergency often occurs suddenly and without warning. Read on to find out how to prepare your cat to go to an emergency vet. Contact Your 24 Hour Animal Hospital You should assess the scene for any immediate threats. After determining the danger is over, it helps to call the veterinarian hospital. Read More»

Understanding And Treating Tick Paralysis

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From feeding and grooming to training and exercising, caring for your dog can be overwhelming at times. Unfortunately, you may not be placing enough importance on controlling ticks. These small insects can wreak havoc on your dog’s physical and emotional well-being, causing discomfort and increasing the risk of serious disease. Tick paralysis is a common disease that occurs after certain species of ticks release neurotoxins into the bloodstream after being attached to your dog for 5 to 7 days; this guide will educate you on the signs and treatment options for tick paralysis, so your dog can receive the help it needs. Read More»

Three Things You Can Do To Protect Your Cat's Kidneys

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Kidney disease is a major problem for cats all over the world, affecting up to three out of every ten older cats. While there’s no known cure for kidney disease once it’s developed, there are some things you can do to help protect your cat. While some cats develop kidney disease for no apparent reason, many also do so due to damage to their kidneys, whether it’s over the long or short-term. Read More»